23rd FIG General Assembly, Prague 2000


Nomination for Honorary President of FIG

Professor Peter Dale OBE

It gives me great pleasure, on behalf of the RICS, to nominate Professor Peter Dale OBE as an Honorary President of FIG. The Institution feels that this would be an appropriate recognition of Peter's enormous contribution to FIG and to the surveying profession internationally.

In his eight years as a member of the FIG Bureau, first as a vice-president in the Australian Bureau and then as President in the UK Bureau, Peter's vision and his skills in making things happen have had a profound impact on FIG. Building on the work of the Finnish Bureau, Peter on his retirement as President leaves FIG a very different organisation than it was 10 years ago. FIG now has a much clearer sense of purpose; is recognised and respected as a professional partner by UN agencies and the World Bank; and has a much stronger leadership team through his work in building ACCO (initially ICAC). In latter years, Peter has built on the success of ACCO to start the process of empowering the member associations of FIG, working with Presidents of Member Associations and having contact with very many individual members during his travels.

Peter led the Task Force on the desirability of establishing a permanent secretariat for FIG, whose recommendations were accepted by the PC meeting in Berlin in 1995 and which led, at the beginning of 1999, to the opening of the FIG Office in Copenhagen - a tremendous development for the future of FIG as a truly international professional organisation. He also developed FIG's links with allied professional organisations, again building the international standing and recognition of FIG.

The strapline of the UK Bureau was 'developing the profession in a developing world'. This was far more than words for Peter - his concern for the less fortunate motivated all that he did and does. Under his leadership, FIG achieved much in supporting surveyors and economies in less developed countries and those in transition.

Peter would be the first to point out that he could have achieved little by himself. But his passion, his vision, his oratory and his personality inspired many, many people to work for the development of FIG and the surveying profession. He was - and remains - an exemplary ambassador for the profession.

Iain Greenway
Head of the RICS Delegation to FIG

Iain Greenway
Head of the RICS Delegation to FIG

30 December 1999

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