24th FIG General Assembly, Seoul 2001

Appendix to item 9.2

Report for the 24th General Assembly
FIG Working Week in Seoul, 6-11 May 2001



Commission 2 has been working according to the work plan. The planned symposium has been organised in Rosario and Commission officers have participated in several other occasions like CLGE seminar in Delft, Malta Seminar and of course FIG working week in Prague. Two newsletters have been published and web site updated. Among the Working Groups WG 2 has been the most active and is currently preparing the next Workshop on Virtual Academy.

Work plan

Commission 2 has followed the accepted work plan without major changes. Minor changes in responsibilities happened in the development of SEDB where Commission only took part in the design of the new system but the implementation and further update was decided to be made by the FIG Office.

Commission meetings

Annual meeting of Commission was held during the FIG working week in Prague as well as two open meetings were organised, each of them attracting 10-15 participants. Commission Meeting took place on 22nd May, the Open Meeting on Virtual Academy on 23rd and the Open Meeting for Surveying Students on 24th May. In the meetings Commission Vice Chair Pedro Cavero informed on the Rosario (Argentina) Symposium, October 2000, and Esben Munk Sørensen and Henrik Haggrén introduced the plans for the WG Seminar in Espoo, Otaniemi June 2001.

Working Week and other Seminars and Symposia

During the working week In Prague Commission 2 organised one technical session with four presentations (Henrik Haggrén and Esben Munk Sørensen, Bela Markus, Ales Cepek and Josef Hnojil, Jud Rouch and Svato Michalcak).

FIG Commission 2 organised a Symposium "Surveying in the Third Millennium: Universitary Formation and Professional Development" in Rosario, Argentina, 18-20 October 2000. Vice Chair Pedro Cavero was the main organiser together with the local organisers, Schools of Agrimensura of Rosario and Santiago del Estero National Universities. In the Symposium there were 128 participants from 10 different countries and 18 papers. Three round table meetings were also held. Pedro Cavero and Stig Enemark gave presentations. Pedro Cavero outlined the future plans for Commission 2.

In addition to the Prague Working week and the Rosario Symposium, Commission officers took part in the ACCO meeting in Copenhagen in January 2000 (Cavero, Virrantaus) and Malta Seminar (Cavero, Enemark, Virrantaus gave presentations) as well as the CLGE Seminar in Delft.

Working Groups
  • Working Group 1: Management skills, professional competencies and CPD policies

Contributions are somehow overlapping with the Task Force on Mutual Recognition. The WG will finish its work and give the final report in Washington Congress.

  • Working Group 2: Virtual academy - distance learning

WG Chair Henrik Haggrén and Esben Munk Sørensen are organising a Workshop and Seminar on Virtual Academy. More information about it in Chapter 6.

  • Working Group 3: University curricula - content competencies, trends and assessment

Jud Rouch is chairing the WG. The main goal has been to collect information on various approaches and models in surveyors' education. Presentations have been given on curricula in USA, Europe, Asia and Latin America (presentations in Wuhan seminar, Sun City and Prague Working Weeks, Malta seminar and Rosario Symposium). The goal is to produce a model which could be used in comparing and describing various curricula. SEDB will be a part of this approach. Kirsi Virrantaus is co-working with the chair.

  • Working Group 4: Surveying students

Vice Chair Pedro Cavero is in chair. The main goal has been to organise FIG seminars and symposiums outside Europe and USA, so that as many young surveyors and students as possible could participate. Another goal is to develop the SEDB to be more useful also for students when searching for information about study possibilities abroad.

A new Working Group was established under Commission 9, "Education of Valuers", chaired by Professor Kauko Viitanen (Finland) on the proposal of Commission 2.

Forthcoming events

As mentioned WG 2 will organise a Workshop and Seminar on Virtual Academy 5-8 June 2001. The Seminar will be organised at Helsinki University of Technology, Lifelong Learning Institute, DIPOLI in Espoo, Finland. Further information on the seminar in available on web site: www.dipoli.hut.fi/geomatiikka.

Commission 2 will organise two technical sessions with ten papers on Virtual Academy and Surveyors' Curricula during the next working week in Seoul in May 2001. Commission 2 has also co-operated with Commission 9 in getting papers on Education of Valuers as well as supported with the invited speakers to the plenary sessions. Commission 2 will also have its annual meeting in Seoul.


SEDB is now available in web. Universities have their passwords for updating. Academic members have been linked to the site.

Co-operation with sister societies, especially ICA and ISPRS seem to be important especially on the topic of virtual academy. In the future the Chairs of Commissions on Education in ICA and ISPRS are invited and encouraged to participate in the Commissions seminars as well as the working weeks. Newsletters will be also sent to the corresponding chairs. Newsletters and other related material are available on Commission 2 web site.

Prof. Kirsi Virrantaus
Chair of FIG Commission 2 (Professional Education)
Email: kirsi.virrantaus@hut.fi

26 February 2001

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