Conference and Seminar Proceedings

Land Governance in Support of the Millennium Development Goals: Responding to new Challenges
FIG - World Bank Conference

9-10 March 2009, Washington DC, United States

Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsors
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) Trimble Navigation Ltd Dutch Kadaster - Kadaster International Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation

Proceedings on the World Bank web site.

Opening session

Opening session
Chair: Hart Schafer, Director, SDN, World Bank

Katherine Sierra, Vice President SDN, World Bank:
Opening remarks
[ paper ] [ slides ]

HE Ellen Sirleaf-Johnson, President of Liberia:
Keynote address: The importance of land policy in post-conflict situations: The case of Liberia
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Stig Enemark, President, International Federation of Surveyors (FIG):
Keynote address: Land Governance for Sustainable Development
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Thematic sessions
Theme leader: Helge Onsrud
GOV1: Contextualizing land governance at the country level
GOV1: Contextualizing land governance at the country level
Chair: Martin Bwalya, Senior Specialist, NEPAD Secretariat

Tony Burns, Managing Director, Land Equity International, Australia:
Towards a general framework for assessing land governance
[ paper ] [ slides ]

J. M. Lusugga Kironde, Professor, Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania:
Improving land sector governance in Africa: The case of Tanzania
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Victor Endo, Vice President, International Operations, Institute for Liberty and Democracy, Peru:
Improving land sector governance in Latin America: The case of Peru
[ paper ] [ slides ]

A. Undeland, Independent consultant, Bishkek, Kyrgiz Republic:
Improving land sector governance in Eastern Europe: The case of the Kyrgiz Republic
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Discussant: Willi Zimmermann, Land Tenure Adviser, GTZ, Germany

GOV2: Land governance and the global challenges of food, fuels, and climate change
GOV2: Land governance and the global challenges of food, fuels, and climate change
Chair: Jonathan Lingham, Policy Division, DFID

Derek Byerlee, World Bank:
Drivers of investment in large-scale farming new and old: Evidence & implications for policy
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Lorenzo Cotula, Senior Researcher, Law & Sustainavble Development, Natural Resources, IIED, UK:
Addressing the challenges of biofuels and resource extraction
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Grenville Barnes, Assoc. Prof. Geomatics, University of Florida Gainesville, USA:
Property rights to carbon in the context of climate change
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Discussant: T. Ngaido, Senior Research Fellow & Head of Senegal Office, IFPRI and
S. Schonberger, Lead Operations Officer, EASRE, World Bank

GOV3: Land governance at country level
GOV3: Land governance at country level
Chair: Jolyne Sanjak, Managing Director, MCC, USA

Gustavo Gordillo de Anda, University of Indiana, and former Vice Minister of Agriculture, Government of Mexico:
The political economy (and governance impact) of land policy reform: The case of Mexico’s PROCEDE
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Raimundo Cossa, Director DNTF (National Directorate of Land and Forests), Mozambique
P. de Wit, Land Policy and Strategy Adviser, MCA, Mozambique:
Legal and policy reforms to increase security of tenure and improve land administration
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Mark Napier, Urban Land Mark South Africa:
Competition for urban land : Enhancing the bidding poser by the poor
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Discussant: D. von Behaim, Senior Planning Officer, Land Management, GTZ

GOV4: Implementing land governance in practice: Bringing partners together
GOV4: Implementing land governance in practice: Bringing partners together
Chair: Karen Mcconnell Brooks, Sector Manager, AFTAR, World Bank

Joan Kagwanja, Economic Affairs Officer, UN-ECA:
The AU/AfDB/ECA land policy initiative: Progress thus far and next steps
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Martin Bwalya, Senior Specialist, NEPAD Secretariat:
Implementing land policies on the ground: The role of the CAADP process
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Lionel Vignacq, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
The French White paper on securing land rights & land governance
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Teo Chee Hai, Director Geometra Surveys Sdn Bhd, Malaysia:
Land policy networks in South East Asia: How to make them more effective?
[ paper ] [ slides ]

John Farrington, Research Fellow, ODI and Jonathan Lingham, Policy Division, DFID:
Linkages between land policy & food sectors in developing countries
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Mika Törhönen, Land Tenure Office, FAO, Italy:
The FAO voluntary guidelines on land governance
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Annalisa Mauro, Program Officer, International Land Coalition, Latin America:
Forging partnerships on a global land reporting initiative
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Theme leader: Paul van der Molen
SYS1: Building sustainable well governed land administration systems
SYS1: Building sustainable well governed land administration systems
Chair: Helge Onsrud, Director, Centre of Property Rights and Development, Norwegian Mapping and Cadastre Authority

Santiago Borrero Mutis, Secretary General, Panamerican Inst. Geography & History, Mexico:
Building Spatial Data Infrastructures in Latin America
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Matthew B. Higgins, Principal Advisor, Dept. of Nat. Resources, Mines and Water, Queensland, Australia:
Positioning infrastructures for sustainable land governance
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Vit Suchanek, COSCMC:
Establishing a modern land administration system: The case of the Czech Republic
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Iain Greenway, Chief Executive, Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland:
Institutional and organizational developments for land administration
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Discussant: Tommy Österberg, Swedesurvey, Sweden

SYS2: Addressing land admin. & management challenges at the country level
SYS2: Addressing land admin. & management challenges at the country level
Chair: Paul van der Molen, Head, Kadaster International, the Netherlands

Donatha Kapitango, Development Planner, Communal Land Bd.,Oshikoto, Government of Namibia
Marcel G. J. Meijs, Government of Namibia:
Large-scale adjudication based on aerial photography in Namibia: Costs and lessons
[ paper ] [ slides ]

D. Sagashya, Deputy Director, National Land Centre, MINIRENA, Rwanda
Clive English, Senior Project Director & Land Consultant, HTSPE:
Establishing a land administration system: Technical and Economic Analysis for Rwanda
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Eugene Silayo, Senior Lecturer, Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania:
Urban land policies for the urban poor in East and Southern Africa 
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Discussant: Daniel Roberge, Director Office Surveyor General of Quebèc, Canada

SYS3: Innovative examples for addressing land admin. & management at the country level
SYS3: Innovative examples for addressing land admin. & management at the country level
Chair: Wael Zakout, Sector Manager, ECSSD, World Bank

Gavin Adlington, Lead Land Administration Specialist, World Bank:
Experience from 10 Years of Improving Land Administration in ECA
[ paper ] [ paper 2 ] [ slides ]

Zhao Yang, Director General, FEA, Government of China:
China’s pilot rural land registration scheme in the context of current policy developments
[ paper ] [ slides ]

T. Hanstad, Executive Director, RDI:
Using legal aid to empower rural women in Andhra Pradesh: Experience and lessons thus far
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Discussant: Peter Creuzer, President, UN-ECE WPLA, Germany; and
M. Goldstein, Senior Economist, PRMGE & DECRG

Theme leader: Cheryl Morden
TNR1: Securing (individual or communal) rights to marginal lands
TNR1: Securing (individual or communal) rights to marginal lands
Chair: Charles E. di Leva, Chief Counsel, LEGEN, World Bank

Jintao Xu, Professor, Beijing University:
Collective forest tenure reform in China: Outcomes & implications 
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Ben Cousins, Director, PLAAS, South Africa:
Potential & pitfalls of communal tenure: Global experience and implications for South Africa
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Diane Dumashie, Private Consultant, UK:
Coastal communities: Securing equitable access to land and natural resources
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Discussants: Ruth Meinzen-Dick, Senior Researcher, IFPRI; and John Bruce, President, LADSI

TNR2: Technology for low-cost land rights recognition & natural resource management
TNR2: Technology for low-cost land rights recognition & natural resource management
Chair: Frits van der Wal, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Christiaan Lemmen, Assistant Professor ITC, Enschede:
Implementing the Social Tenure Domain Model with open source software: The case of Ethiopia
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Carlos M. de Souza Jr., Imazon, Brazil:
Near real-time Deforestation Detection for Enforcement of Forest Reserves in Mato Grosso
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Y. V. N. Krishna Murthy, Director, Indian Space Research Organization, India:
A state-wide LIS for NRM and disaster monitoring: Scope for land administration
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Michael Barry, Associate Professor, University of Calgary, Canada:
Applying low-cost technologies in the field: Development of the talking titler
[ paper ] [ paper 2 ] [ slides ]

Discussants: Odame Larbi, Project Director, Ghana Land Administration Project; and Daniel Steudler, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

TNR3: Assessing the impact of improved tenure security
TNR3: Assessing the impact of improved tenure security
Chair: Gunnar Köhlin, Professor & Head, Environment for Development Program, University of Gothenburg

Juan Sebastian Chamorro, Office of the President, Nicaragua &
Michael R. Carter, Professor, University of Wisconsin, USA:
Credit market impact of land titling in Nicaragua: Methodology and emerging challenges
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Tekie Alemu, Professor, University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia:
Investment impacts of land certification in Ethiopia
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Aparajita Goyal, Economist, World Bank:
Benefits from changing women’s inheritance of land: The case of the Hindu Succession Act
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Discussant: Jolyne Sanjak, Managing Director MCC

Theme leader: Jolyne Sanjak
MKT1: Improving Private Sector Land Access
MKT1: Improving Private Sector Land Access
Chair: Vincent Palmade, Lead Economist, AFTFP, World Bank

Stephen B. Butler, Senior Associate, NORC, University of Chicago, USA:
Improving land policy for private sector development in Nigeria: Lessons and challenges ahead
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Angus Selby, Senior Investment Policy Officer, CICIG, Morgan Stanley, UK:
Institutional investment in agricultural activities: Potential and pitfalls
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Alain Traore, Doing Business Better in Burkina Faso:
Using 'doing business' as a catalyst for land policy reform: The case of Burkina Faso
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Discussant: Roel Spee, Global Leader, IBM Plant Locations International

MKT2: Potential and Challenges of Land Markets
MKT2: Potential and Challenges of Land Markets
Chair: Tommy Österberg, Swedesurvey. Sweden

Jude Wallace, Professor, University Melbourne, Australia:
Making land markets work for all
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Jeffrey Riedinger, Dean, School of International Relations, Michigan State University, USA:
The impact of legal changes on land market activity in China’s rapidly changing environment
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Richard Grover, Principal Lecturer, School Built Environment, Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom:
Measures to enhance trust in LAS and enhance proper use
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Rexford Ahene, Professor, Lafayette College, Easton, USA:
Measures to improve equal access to land resources and related benefits in Uganda
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Discussants: Tony Burns, Managing Director, Land Equity International, Australia; and
Robert P. Mahoney
, Principal - Mahoney Geomatics, United Kingdom

MKT3: Exploring the different dimensions of land markets
MKT3: Exploring the different dimensions of land markets
Chair: Will Martin, Lead Economist, DECRG, World Bank

Stein Holden, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway:
Impacts of land certification on land market activity in Ethiopia
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Quy-Toan Do, Economist, World Bank:
Land consolidation in Vietnam: Results from a randomized experiment
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Songqing Jin, Assistant Professor, Michigan State University, USA:
Interaction between land and labor markets in China
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Daniel Ayalew Ali, Economist, World Bank:
Land market functioning in Ethiopia: Impacts and determinants
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Discussants: Gunnar Köhlin, Associate Professor and Director, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Theme leader: Clarissa Augustinus
ACC1: Land policy in conflict- and post-conflict settings
ACC1: Land policy in conflict- and post-conflict settings
Chair: Jozias Blok, Policy Officer, Sustainable Land Management, European Commission

James Putzel, Professor, London School of Economics, UK:
Land policies and violent conflict: Towards addressing the root causes
[ paper ] [ slides ]

P. Debroux, M. Bekhechi, and G. Topa, World Bank:
The potential contribution of land rights to recovery in the DRC
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Dan E. Stigall, US Army, JAG:
Dealing with land tenure in Iraq: Past failures and future opportunities
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Discussants: Szilard Fricska, UN-HABITAT; and Douglas E. Batson, US Dept. of Defense

ACC2: Mechanisms and impact of redistributive land reform
ACC2: Mechanisms and impact of redistributive land reform
Chair: Paul Munro Faure, Head, Land Tenure and Management Unit, FAO

Arsenio Balisacan, Director SEARCA & Fabrizio Bresciani, World Bank:
Direct and indirect impacts of CARL in the Philippines: Lessons for the future
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Malcolm Keswell, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa:
Impacts of market-assisted land reform in South Africa: A matching approach
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Vandana Yadav, Prof. and Songqing Jin, Asst. Prof., Michigan State University, USA:
What is needed to ‘complete’ land reforms in West Bengal?
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Discussants: Michael Kirk, Professor, University of Marburg, Germany

ACC3: Women's access to land ownership: Legal reform, enforcement and empowerment
ACC3: Women's access to land ownership: Legal reform, enforcement and empowerment
Chair: Eija Pehu, Adviser, ARD, World Bank

Ruth Meinzen-Dick, Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI:
Women, land ownership and economic empowerment: Framework, issues and questions
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Renée Giovarelli, Senior Fellow, Global Center for Women's Land Rights, Rural Development Inst.:
Do legal reforms really help women gain access to land?
[ paper ] [ slides ]

T. Lamb, International Legal Consultant:
Enforcement capacity: Challenges and opportunities in integrating gender into Kosova land project
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Tim Hanstad, Executive Director, Rural Development Institute:
Lessons learned from the program on women's access to land in India
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Annalisa Mauro, Program Manager, Latin America, International Land Coalition
Linking research and action and evidence-based advocacy: The ILC experience
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Discussant: Ben Cousins, Director, PLAAS, South Africa

Theme leader: Alain Durand-Lasserve
URB1: Spatial planning and urban land management
URB1: Spatial planning and urban land management
Chair: Iain Greenway, Chief Survey Officer and Director, Operational Land and Property Service, Northern Ireland

David E. Dowall, Professor, UC Berkeley, USA:
Providing technical assistance on national territorial planning legislation: Albania experience
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Maria Camila Uribe Sánchez, Bogota Municipal Cadastre, Colombia:
The role of land information in Bogota’s land tax reforms
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Robin Rajack, Senior Development Specialist, FEU, World Bank:
Improving land governance in urban settings: Approaches and experience thus far
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Discussant: Bengt Kjellson, National Mapping, Cadastre and Land Registration Authority of Sweden

URB2: Improving urban land policies
URB2: Improving urban land policies
Chair: Inga Björk-Klevby, Deputy Executive Director, UN-Habitat

Theo Kötter, Professor University of Bonn, Germany:
Developing urban Indicators for Managing Mega Cities
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Chryssy Potsiou, Assistant Professor, National Technical University Athens, Greece:
Formalizing informal settlements in Eastern Europe: Lessons from experience
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Mila Freire, Senior Advisor, FEU, World Bank:
Dealing with spatial diversity: Key land policy messages of the 2009 WDR
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Robin McLaren, Director Know Edge Ltd Edinburgh, United Kingdom:
Formulating a sectoral approach to urban land policy: The case of Kenya
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Discussant: Gregory K. Ingram, President and CEO, Lincoln Institute for Land Policy

Country experiences
Country experiences
Chair: Mark Cackler, Acting Director ARD, World Bank

Marius Ratolojanahary, Minister of Land Reform & Administration Government of Madagascar:
Implementing a nation-wide land administration system
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Collins Dauda, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Government of Ghana:
Improving land administration in Ghana: Lessons and challenges in moving ahead
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Rita Sinha, Secretary Land Resources, Government of India:
Moving towards clear land title in India: Potential benefits, a roadmap, and remaining challenges
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Amos Sawyer, Head Governance Commission, Government of Liberia:
The challenges of land administration in post-conflict Liberia: Status and next steps
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Joyo Winoto, Head, BPN Indonesia:
Taking land policy & administration in Indonesia to the next stage: BPN’ strategic plan
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Private vendors and universities: contributions to innovation and development
SPS: Private vendors and universities: contributions to innovation and development
Chair: Matthew Higgins, Dept. of Natural Resources & Water, Queensland, Australia

Chris Paresi, UNU School of Land Administration Studies, ITC/Kadaster, the Netherlands:
UNU School for Land Administration Studies
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Pierre Desjardins, Business Manager, GNSS Infrastructure Solutions, Trimble Navigation
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Brent Jones, Industry Manager, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI)
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Kurt Schibli, EMEA Director, Coordination & Projects, Leica Geosystems:
Digital Airborne Imaging Solutions
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Closing session: Taking the land policy agenda forward: Conclusions and next steps
NXT: Taking the land policy agenda forward: Conclusions and next steps
Chair: Joan Kagwanja, Economic Affairs Officer, UN-ECA

Paul Munro-Faure, Head, Land Tenure Service and Management Unit, FAO
Helge Onsrud, Director, Centre of Property Rights and Development, Norwegian Cadastre:
Land Governance for the 21st century
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Paul van der Molen, Head Kadaster International, The Netherlands:
Building sustainable land administration systems
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Cheryl Morden, Director, North American Liaison Office, IFAD:
Securing social tenure for the poorest
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Jolyne Sanjak, Managing Director, MCC:
Making land markets work for all
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Clarissa Augustinus, Chief, Land Tenure and Property Administration, UN-HABITAT:
Improving access to land and shelter
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Alain Durand-Lasserve, Director of Research, Nat'l Centre of Sci. Res., France:
Land governance for rapid urbanization
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Stig Enemark, President, International Federation of Surveyors:
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Klaus Deininger, Land Tenure Adviser, ARD, World Bank:
Key issues and next steps
[ paper ] [ slides ]

Lunch speaker on Tuesday
Michael Lipton, Professor, University of Sussex, UK:
Property rights and property wrongs: The relevance of land reform and a small-farmer strategy for property reduction and economic development
[ paper ] [ slides ]
© International Federation of Surveyors, FIG and The World Bank 2009
Latest updated 15.04.2020

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