News in 2023

FIG Working Week 2027 in Stavanger Norway
1 June 2023, Orlando Florida

Steinar Wergeland, repesenting Stavanger Norway, and Ganesh
Prasad Bhatta representing Nepal on the first General
Assembly day
At the FIG General Assembly 2023 election for the destination and
host of FIG Working Week 2027 took place. During the first General
Assembly on Sunday 28 May 2023 representatives from the two
destinations, Kathmandu Nepal, and Stavanger Norway had 10 minutes each
to present their ideas for the FIG Working Week 2027 and the
destination. On Wednesday 30 May the actual online election started for
the officially appointed delegates from FIG Member Associations. The
voting was open for 18 hours so that delegates from all over the
world could cast their vote.
Presentations by the two candidates:
- Kathmandu, Nepal [presentation]
- Stavanger, Norway [presentation]
On Thursday 1 June 2023 at the second General Assembly the result was

In total 62 (87.3%) of 71 registered electors voted in this ballot.
The certified result
FIG President Diane Dumashie thanked both associations for their
support to and interest in being the host of the FIG Working Week 2027
and for their engagement with FIG. The close result speaks for itself,
however the General Assembly has decided that FIG will be welcoming all
to Stavanger in Norway in 2027.
Thanks to both Nepal and Norway for their interesting bids.
A report on the General Assembly will be published soon together with
the minutes and a report on the FIG Working Week 2023.
Future FIG Working Weeks and Congresses
The following destinations have been selected for the upcoming events
- 2024: FIG
Working Week 2024 - 19-24 May 2024 in Accra, Ghana
- 2025: FIG
Working Week 2025 - 1-5 May 2025 in Brisbane, Australia
- 2026: FIG
Congress 2026 - April-June 2026 in Cape Town, South Africa
- 2027: FIG Working Week 2027 - April-June 2027
in Stavanger, Norway
- 2028: FIG Working Week 2028 - April-June 2028
in Paris, France - celebrating the 150th anniversary of FIG (founded
in Paris in 1878)
Louise Friis-Hansen
June 2023