News in 2022

Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration - Providing Secure Land Rights at
January 2022
Guest Editors: Prof Stig Enemark, Dr Robin McLaren, Prof Christiaan
This Special Issue of the open access Land Journal provides an
insight, collated from 26 articles, focusing on various aspects of the
Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration (FFPLA) concept and its application.
It presents some influential and innovative trends and recommendations
for designing, implementing, maintaining and further developing FFP
solutions for providing secure land rights at scale.

The first group of 14 articles is published in Volume One
and discusses various conceptual innovations related to spatial, legal
and institutional aspects of FFPLA and its wider applications within
land use management. The second group of 12 articles is published in
Volume Two and focuses on case studies from various
countries throughout the world, providing evidence and lessons learned
from the FFPLA implementation process.

The Key Experiences and Lessons Learnt are:
- FFPLA Pilot projects – are easy to implement and well accepted
and understood by the local community. However – it must be
- FFPLA National projects – can be completed at affordable costs <
10 USD per parcel and within a few years by using a participatory
approach and working in parallel throughout the country. This is in
principle a national top-down approach that requires strong
political will and support from key senior civil servants.
- Technology development – is a key driver in terms of providing
the relevant mapping and registration tools e.g. machine learning to
extract information from drone imagery.
- Innovative financing – can be obtained e.g. through new types of
PPP and private sector support for regularization and upgrading of
informal settlements
- The FFPLA approach is unfolding beyond providing security of
tenure – e.g. for mitigating land issues in violent conflict
settings, and for wider land management functions such as valuation,
urban resilience, climate change and pandemics.
- The FFPLA approach is gaining momentum – and growing acceptance
within the (younger) land professional community as a game changer
in achieving key aspects of the global agenda, the SDGs, towards
greater social equity, leaving no on behind.
Read the Special Issue:
Louise Friis-Hansen
6 January 2022