Dear members, FIG representatives, delegates and friends of
Seasons greetings and thanks for 2022
Thank you all for an exciting and different 2022. FIG
appreciates all the many members and individuals who actively
contribute to and take a role in FIG.
2022 was the year where we could finally meet again in
person. It proved the importance of networking and what it
actually means to meet in person. We also realised how special
this undisturbed time at a conference can be, and how different
it is from online meetings. Both meeting forms are valuable - no
doubt about this; each with their purpose.
The local organisers from Poland showed an amazing stamnia
and managed to organise the FIG Congress 2022 within one year.
In the beginning it was not clear whether it would be possible
to meet in person, but we believed in it. And it worked with 850
on-site participants and 250 online. There were some hick-ups
along the way, but the Polish organisers stayed on track and the
Congress was held in Warsaw with great success.
Read the report
It was also in Poland that the new Council and President was
elected by the General Assembly. Diane Dumashie will take over
from Rudolf Staiger as President of FIG from 2023 together with
the new elected Vice Presidents Daniel Steudler and Winnie Shiu,
and the current Vice Presidents Mikael Lilje and Kwame Tenadu.
Read the minutes of the General Assembly
A heartfelt thanks to all who contributed to the FIG agenda
during this past year - and especially to the outgoing Vice
President Jixian Zhang and to the ten outgoing
commission chairs 2019-2022 Winnie Shiu, David Mitchell,
Hartmut Müller, Mohd Razali Mahmud, Dan Roman, Maria Henriques,
Daniel Paez, Marije Louwsma, Ben Elder and Alan Muse as well as
Kwabena Asiama YS
who all helped FIG safe through these past years with new and
exciting initiatives and ideas and with positive energy
and spirit.
The last years as President went somewhat different for
Rudolf Staiger than expected. He, together with his council
managed to navigate through these turbulent and different times.
Thank you very much, Rudolf! As a final tribute to the outgoing President the "Article
of the Month" in December 2022 has been selected to be
the video recording of the final keynote session in which Rudolf
Staiger together with Robert Olszewski, Poland, focus on the
future technologies of geospatial data visualization and its
role for surveyors and the role of GNSS measurements in future.
Read more
A festive hand over ceremony was held in connection with
Intergeo 2022 in Essen Germany. There were several online and
onsite commission and network events during the year, several publications
were published and a lot of other activities in and around
FIG - all in all a productive and inspiring year is
now coming to an end. You can read more about some of all
activities from council, commissions, networks, permanent
institutions and the current task force on FIG and the SDGs in
this news overview of the most recent
Happy New Year 2023
We are now looking into another exciting year - happy New
Year 2023.
This year will bring us a new leadership - a
new council and president, ten new commission chairs with
enthusiastic ideas as well as new and exciting undertakings. At the
General Assembly in May/June 2023 FIG Council, Commissions, Networks, Task Forces
and the Permanent Institutions will present their new work plans
for the coming four years 2023-2026. Travelling is getting back
to a more normal situation, but will still be supplemented with
online meetings where it makes sense.
The main event of the year - the FIG Working Week
2023 will take place 28 May - 1 June in Orlando, Florida, USA. This
will be a face-to-face event. The destination of
Florida gives the local organisers and FIG the hope that there
will be many attendees from especially Northern America, from
Latina America, from South America and from the Caribbean region
who will meet "the rest of the world" in Orlando. Further to
this the venue is located in the Disney World area - another
adventure for you...
Do you want to contribute, and do you have a story to tell?
There is still time to submit
an abstract for the technical programme. It is also possible
to attend without submitting an abstract.
Register now and
secure your attendance.
The very best greetings from all of us in the FIG Office,
Claudia, Evelien, Maria and Louise to all of you...
Please note that FIG Office will be closed from 23 December
and until 3 January.
Louise Friis-Hansen
FIG Director
