FIG Publications

List of FIG Publications

ISSN No for FIG Publication Series:
ISSN 1018-6530 (print)
ISSN 2311-8423 (pdf)

Number Title Language
E - English 
- French 
- German
A - Arabic
S - Spanish
J - Japanese
M - Mongolian
No 82 Mapping the World a Better Place: The FIGs Volunteer Community Surveyor Program (VCSP)
FIG Young Surveyors Network
FIG Report 2024
E ISBN 978-87-93914-10-0 (print)
ISBN 978-87-93914-11-7 (pdf)
No 81 Enhancing Surveying Education through Blended Learning
FIG Commission 2 - Professional Education
FIG Report 2023
E ISBN 978-87-93914-04-9 (pdf)
No 80 Digital transformation and land administration – Sustainable practices from the unece region and beyond
FIG Guide 2022
E ISBN [FAO] 978-92-5-136837-4 (pdf)
No 79 Land Consolidation – The Fundamentals to Guide Practice
FIG Commission 8 - Spatial Planning and Development,
FIG Report 2022
E ISBN 978-87-92853-67-7 (pdf)
No 78 Geospatial Data in the 2020s - Transformative Power and Pathways to Sustainability
FIG Commission 3 – Spatial Information Management
FIG Report 2022
E ISBN 978-87-93914-01-8 (pdf)
7 volumes covering Three Milleniums of Measurement of Earth
Volumes I-V: Notes on the History of Determining the Size and Shape of the Earth Using Meridian Arcs
Volume VI: Meridian Arcs in East & Southern Africa with Emphasis on the Arc of the 30th Meridian Volume VII: Connection Between the Struve Geodetic Arc and the Arc of the 30th Meridian
No 77 Good Practice for Resilience Planning to Address Water Governance Challenges in Africa
FIG Commission 8 - Spatial Planning and Development,
Working Group 8.5 on African Water Governance
FIG Report 2021
E ISBN 978-87-92853-34-9 (pdf)
No 76 International Boundaries on Unstable Ground
Editor: Haim Srebro
FIG Commission 1
FIG report 2020
E ISBN 978-87-92853-22-6 (printed)
ISBN 978-87-92853-30-1 (pdf)
No 75 "FIG and Me" - My Twenty Five Years in the International Surveying Arena
Earl James AM, FIG Honorary President
FIG Report 2020
E ISBN 978-87-92853-94-3 (printed)
ISBN 978-87-92853-95-0 (pdf)
No 74

Cost Effective Precise Positioning with GNSS
FIG Commission 5
FIG Report 2019


ISBN 978-87-92853-87-5 (pdf)

No 73 New Trends in Geospatial Information: The Land Surveyors Role in the Era of Crowdsourcing and VGI

Current State and Practices within the Land Surveying, Mapping and Geo-Science Communities.
FIG Commission 3
FIG Report 2019


ISBN 978-87-92853-85-1 (printed)
ISBN 978-87-92853-86-8 (pdf)

No  72

Best Practices 3D Cadastres -
3D Cadastre Joint Working Group Commission 3 and Commission 7
FIG Report 2018

E ISBN 978-87-92853-83-7 (printed)
ISBN 978-87-92853-84-4 (pdf)

Best Practices 3D Cadastres -
Extended version, May 2018
Publication translated to Mongolian

E, M ISBN 978-87-92853-64-6
ISSN: 2311-8423
No 71

FIG Guidance on Professional Competencies - for Quantity Surveyors / Construction Economists / Cost Engineers. FIG Commission 10
FIG Guide 2018


ISBN 978-87-92853-76-9 (printed)
ISBN 978-87-92853-77-6 (pdf)

No 70

Africa Regional Network - 2015-2018
FIG Report 2018


ISBN 978-87-92853-74-5 (printed)
ISBN 978-87-92853-75-2 (pdf)

No 68

The FIG Christchurch Declaration - Responding to Climate Change and Tenure Insecurity in Small Island Developing States
The Role of Land Professionals SIDS Workshop, FIG Working Week, Christchurch, New Zealand 30 April – 1 May 2016
FIG Report 2016


ISBN 978-87-92853-55-4 (printed)
ISBN 978-87-92853-56-1 (pdf)

No 67 Property Taxation for Developing Economies,  joint FIG Commission 9/UN-Habitat/GLTN – Valuation and the Management of Real Estate,
FIG Report 2016
E ISBN 978-87-92853-43-1 (printed) ISBN 978-87-92853-44-8 (pdf)
No 66 FIG Statutes, Internal Rules and Guidelines,
FIG Regulations, 2015
E  ISBN 978-87-92853-36-3 (printed) ISBN 978-87-92853-37-0 (pdf)
No 65 The Surveyor’s Role in Monitoring, Mitigating, and Adapting to Climate Change, FIG Task Force on Surveyors and Climate Change,
FIG Report 2014
E ISBN 978-87-92853-26-4 (printed) ISBN 978-87-92853-27-1 (pdf)
No 64 2nd ed Reference Frames in Practice Manual, 2nd edition, Commission 5 Working Group 5.2 Reference Frames,
FIG Guide 2024
E ISBN 978-87-93914-14-8 (pdf)
No 64

No 64 - Spanish

Reference Frames in Practice Manual, Commission 5 Working Group 5.2 Reference Frames,
FIG Guide 2014

Manual de Marcos de Referencia en la Práctica, Comisión 5 Grupo de trabajo 5.2 Sistemas de referencia, Tranlation 2017


ISBN 978-87-92853-25-7 (pdf)

ISBN 978-87-92853-63-9 (pdf)
No 63 The Africa Task Force
FIG Report 2014
E ISBN 978-87-92853-14-1 (printed)
ISBN 978-87-92853-15-8 (pdf)

A Review of the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) Phase II Summary Report
May 2014

No 62
Ellipsoidally Referenced Surveying for Hydrography, Commission 4 Working Group 4.1
FIG Guide 2014
E ISBN 978-87-92853-09-7 (printed)
ISBN 978-87-92853-16-5 (pdf)
No 61 CADASTRE 2014 and Beyond
FIG Report 2014
E ISBN 978-87-92853-12-7 (printed)
ISBN 978-87-92853-13-4 (pdf)
No 60 Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration joint FIG/World Bank publication.
FIG Guide 2014.
E ISBN 978-87-92853-10-3 (printed)
ISBN 978-87-92853-11-0 (pdf)
No 59 International Boundary Making, Commission 1,
FIG Report 2013
E ISBN 978-87-92853-08-0
No. 58 Spatially Enabled Society. Joint publication of FIG-Task Force on Spatially Enabled Society in cooperation with GSDI Association and with the support of Working Group 3 of the PCGIAP. FIG Report 2012.
Raumkundige Gesellschaft Spatially Enabled Society - in German language
E, G ISBN 978-87-90907-97-6
No. 57 Report on the Economic Benefits of Hydrography.
FIG Report 2011.
Available only on web.
E ISBN 978-87-90907-94-5
No. 56 Guidelines for the Planning, Execution and Management of Hydrographic Surveys in Ports and Harbours. FIG Report 2010. E ISBN 978-87-90907-91-4
No. 55 Spatial Planning in Coastal Regions. Facing the Impact of Climate Change. FIG Report 2010. E ISBN 978-87-90907-90-7
No. 54 Compulsory Purchase and Compensation - Recommendations for Good Practice. FIG Policy Statement, 2010. E ISBN 978-87-90907-89-1
No. 53 Sydney Agenda for Action. Small Island Developing States and the Millennium Development Goals: Building the Capacity. FIG Report 2010. E ISBN 978-87-90907-84-6
No. 52

The Social Tenure Domain Model - A Pro-Poor Land Tool. FIG Report, 2010 in English

The Social Tenure Domain Model - A Pro-Poor Land Tool translated into other languages:

  • Arabic   (pdf, 2015)
    ISBN 978-87-92853-40-0 (printed) ISBN 978-87-92853-41-7 (pdf)
  • French (pdf,  2017)
    ISBN 978-87-92853-50-9 (imprimé) ISBN 978-87-92853-54-7 (pdf)
  • Japanese (pdf, 2017)
    ISBN 978-87-92853-57-8 (印刷版) ISBN 978-87-92853-58-5 (PDF版)
E, A, F, J ISBN 978-87-90907-83-9
Sydney Declaration. Declaration from the XXIV FIG Congress, Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010. E
No. 51 Hanoi Declaration: Land Acquisition in Emerging Economies. FIG Policy Statement, 2010 E ISBN 978-87-90907-82-2
No. 50 History of Surveying. FIG Report 2010 E ISBN 978-87-90907-81-5
No.49 2nd ed NEW 2014 Cost Effective GNSS Positioning Techniques FIG Commission 5 Publication 2nd Edition FIG Report 2014 E SBN 978-87-92853-18-9 (printed)
ISBN 978-87-92853-19-6 (pdf)
No. 49 Cost Effective GNSS Positioning Techniques. FIG Commission 5 Publication. FIG Report, 2010. E ISBN 978-87-90907-79-2
No. 48 Rapid Urbanization and Mega Cities: The Need for Spatial Information Management. Research study by FIG Commission 3. FIG Report 2010. E ISBN 978-87-90907-78-5
No. 47 Institutional and Organisational Development - A Guide for Managers. FIG Guide, 2010. E ISBN 978-87-90907-77-8
No. 46 Enhancing Surveying Education through e-Learning. A publication of FIG Commission 2 – Professional Education. FIG Report, 2010. E ISBN 978-87-90907-76-1
No. 45 Land Governance in Support of The Millennium Development Goals. A New Agenda for Land Professionals. FIG / World Bank Conference, Washington DC, USA 9–10 March 2009. FIG Policy Statement, 2010. E ISBN 978-87-90907-72-3
No. 44 Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing. FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar, Stockholm, Sweden, 16–17 June 2008. Summary Report. FIG Report, 2008. E ISBN 978-87-90907-70-9
No. 43 FIG Costa Rica Declaration on Integrated Coastal Zone Management. FIG Policy Statement, 2008.
Declaración de Costa Rica - Gestión de zonas costeras a favor de los pobres. Declaración de principios de la FIG, 2008.
E, S 978-87-90907-66-2 (E)
978-87-90907-69-3 (S)
No. 42 Informal Settlements: The Road towards More Sustainable Places. FIG Report, 2008. E 978-87-90907-65-5
No. 41 Capacity Assessment in Land Administration. FIG Guide, 2008. E 978-87-90907-64-8
No. 40 FIG Statutes, Internal Rules and Guidelines. FIG Regulations, 2008. E 978-87-90907-63-1
No. 39 FIG Work Plan 2007-2010. FIG Regulations, 2008. E 978-87-90907-62-4
No. 38 The Contribution of the Surveying Profession to Disaster Risk Management. FIG Report, 2006. E ISBN-10:
No. 37 FIG Guide on the Development of a Vertical Reference Surface for Hydrography. FIG Guide, 2006. E 87-90907-57-4
No. 36 Administering Marine Spaces: International Issues. FIG Report, 2006. E 87-90907-55-8
No. 35 Enhancing the Representation of Under-Represented Groups in FIG. FIG Guide, 2006. E 87-90907-53-1 (E)
No. 34 Aguascalientes Statement - The Inter-Regional Special
Forum on Development of Land Information Policies in the Americas.
FIG Policy Statement. 2005.
Declaración de Aguascalientes - Foro Especial Interregional sobre El desarrollo de políticas de información territorial en las Américas as a .pdf-file. 2005
E, S 87-90907-41-8 (E)

87-90907-44-2 (S)

No. 33 Marrakech Declaration - Urban-Rural Interrelationship for Sustainable Development. FIG Policy Statement, 2004.
Marrakech Declaration - in Arabic as a .pdf-file. 2005
Marrakech Declaration - in French. Under preparation
E, A, F 87-90907-32-9 (E)
87-90907-42-6 (A)
No. 32 Work Plan 2003-2006. FIG Regulations, 2002. E 87-90907-24-8
No. 31 Land Information Management for Sustainable Development of Cities. Best Practice Guidelines in City-wide Land Information Management. FIG Guide, 2002. E 87-90907-21-3
No. 30 The Nairobi Statement on Spatial Information for Sustainable Development. FIG Policy Statement, 2002. E 87-90907-19-1
No. 29 Business Matters for Professionals. FIG Guide, 2002. E 87-90907-18-3
No. 28A FIG Guide on Standardisation. FIG Guide, revised edition 2006. E
No. 28 FIG Guide on Standardisation. FIG Guide, 2002. E 87-90907-17-5
No. 27 Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications. FIG Policy Statement, 2002. E 87-90907-16-7
No. 26 FIG Statutes, Internal Rules and Guidelines. FIG Regulations, 2001 - as revised 2007. E 87-90907-13-2
No. 25 Models and Terminology for the Analysis of Geodetic Monitoring Observations. FIG Guide, 2001. E 87-90907-10-8
No. 24 Women's Access to Land - FIG Guidelines. Principles for Equitable Gender Inclusion in Land Administration: Background Report and Guidelines. FIG Guide, 2001.
Принципы Гендерного Равенства при Участии в Земельном Администрировании: Фоновой Отчет и Руководства


No. 23  FIG Agenda 21. FIG Policy Statement, 2001. E, S 87-90907-07-8
No. 22 Co-operation Between FIG and the UN Agencies 2000-2003
 - Report of the FIG/UN Roundtable, Melbourne, Australia 1999
. FIG Report, 1999.
E 87-90907-02-7
No. 21 The Bathurst Declaration on Land Administration for Sustainable Development. FIG Policy Statement, 1999. E 87-90907-01-9
No. 20 FIG Work Plan 1999 - 2003. FIG Regulations, 2000. E 87-90907-04-3
No. 19 Quality Assurance in Surveying Education. FIG Policy Statement, 1999. E 87-90907-00-0
No. 18 Statutes and Internal Rules FIG Regulations, 1998.  E 0-85406-920-8
No. 17 Statement of Ethical Principles and Model Code of Professional Conduct. FIG Policy Statement, 1998.
Exposé des principes déontologiques et modèle de code de conduite professionelle 2001



No. 16 Constituting Professional Associations. FIG Guide, 1998.
Constitution d'Associations professionnelles 2000 
No. 15 Continuing Professional Development. FIG Policy Statement, 1996. E 0-85406-788-4
No. 14 Working Towards Liberalisation in Trade in Services: the applications of NAFTA, the EU and MERCOSUR to the surveying profession. FIG Report, 1996. E 0-85406-791-4
No. 13B Report of the United Nations Inter-Regional Meeting of Cadastral Experts. Bogor, Indonesia, 18-22 March 1996. FIG Report, 1996. E -
No. 13A The Bogor Declaration. United Nations Interegional Meeting of Experts on the Cadastre. Bogor, Indonesia, 18-22 March 1996. FIG Policy Statement, 1996. E -
No. 13 Land Tenure, Land Management and Land Information Systems: report of FIG, FAO and UNCHS round table meetings. FIG Report,, 1995. E   0-85406-737-X
No. 12 FIG Plan of Work 1995-1999. FIG Regulations, 1995. E (out of print) 0-85406-718-3
No. 11 The FIG Statement on the Cadastre. FIG Policy Statement, 1995. E (and 10 other languages)  0-644-4533-1
No. 10 FAO and FIG Future Collaboration in Cadastral Reform in Rural Economics in Transition: report of round table meeting. FIG Report, 1995. E 0-644-43069-9
No. 9 Recommended Procedures for Routine Checks of Electro-Optical Distance Meters (EDM). FIG Guide, 1994. E/F/G (out of print) 0-644-35209-4
No. 8 Hydrography in Ports and Harbours. FIG Report, 1994. E/F/G   0-644-35210-8
No. 7 Statutes and Internal Rules. FIG Regulations, 1991. E/F/G (out of print)  951-96203-6-2
No. 6 FIG and Member Associations: how to improve their relationships. FIG Policy Statement, 1991. E   951-96203-5-4
No. 5 The Surveyor’s Contribution to Land Management. FIG Policy Statement, 1991. E/F/G (out of print)  951-96203-7-0
No. 4 The Surveyor’s Contribution to Land Management FIG. Policy Statement, 1991. E   951-96203-4-6
No. 3 Sustainable Development: a challenge and a responsibility for surveyors. FIG Policy Statement, 1991. E/F/G   951-96203-3-8
No. 2 Definition of a Surveyor. FIG Policy Statement, 1991. E/F/G (out of print)  951-96203-0-3
No 1 Exchange of Surveying Personnel. FIG Guide, 1990. E/F/G (out of print)  951-96203-0-3

Publications in print can be obtained from the FIG Office,
No charge for single copies for members of FIG; package/postage charged on bulk orders.